What are SMART goals?

07 Jan,2022

post-it make things happen
Setting goals is an essential step for any business area. It is from here that it becomes clearer which direction to take. But the truth is that not all goals are always achieved.
SMART goals are great to guide and help you achieve your goals. How? Through the incorporation of SMART criteria, which together help to define clear, traceable and carefully planned goals.

What does SMART stands for?
S - Specific
The first feature refers to the specificity and clarity of your goals. Creating vague and subjective goals can difficult the planning of that goal.

M - Measurable
Your goals must be defined in such a way that results can be measured and analyzed.

A - Attainable
The definition of goals must take into account whether they are goals capable of being achieved. As tempting as it may be to set ambitious goals, failure to meet the goals can have a demoralizing and frustrating effect on those involved in the process.

R - Realistic
In addition of being attainable, the goals must be realistic, that is, try to establish goals that fit the reality where your company operates; Avoid setting goals that, for example, you don't have the mean to achieve.

T - Time-bound
Goals must be measured in terms of duration. Set a start and end deadline for achieving your goals. This will help you focus on your goal, preventing you from creating a sense of "non-urgency" in the activities that lead to goal completion.

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