What is Omnichannel and why you should apply it to your business

12 Jan,2022

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What is it?
Omnichannel refers to the strategy of integrating different sales and communication channels in order to improve the customer experience, through the interconnection of online and offline channels.
This is a strategy that has already been used by several brands, and with which some consumers have already had contact with. How? The implementation of omnichannel makes it possible for a customer who is inside a physical store to be able to consult the availability of a certain product though the brand's app. Once the item has been found, it is possible to place an order with one of the sellers, and then receive the product at home.
In this example, the online and offline channels are interconnected in order to make the customer experience more practical and comfortable, thus contributing to improve their satisfaction.

Omnichannel, Multichannel and Crosschannel
These 3 terms refer to different strategies aimed at improving the user experience, however they should not be mistaken between them.

As previously mentioned, the omnichannel strategy referts to the synergies between different channels of the brand. Multichannel however refers to the offer by a brand of different purchase channels, such as the existence of a physical store, a website and an app, withouse these intereacting with each other.
Regarding the cross-channel strategy, this concers situations in which the channels cross each other, like for example, buying on a online store, and pick the product in the physical store.

Why use an omnichannel strategy?
The guarantee of total satisfaction of the consumer has been one of the main concers of brands, seeking to provide an unique experience. By providing the customer with fast and convenient services, brands are contributing to customer satisfaction, thus improving the brand's reputation and increasing the probability of customer's loyalty.
The use of the omnichannel strategy, by providing a fast and comfortable service, becomes an important tool for companies to stand out and position themselves in the market.

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