What is the Call to Action (CTA)

14 Mar,2022

Click no rato
CTA stands for call-to-action and refers to any incentive for the page visitor to perform a certain action, whose main goal is usually to generate leads. For this reason, choosing the right CTA can be crucial in guiding people through the sales funnel to the conversion action.

Call-to-action can appear in banners, buttons or text links. How do you know which is the best strategy? Generally, A/B tests are a very useful tactic to study different variations and choose the most effective one.

Main goals of CTAs

1 - Newsletter subscription
One of the main goals is to subscribe the newsletter, as it means that the visitor has shown interest in the product or service offered.

2 - Interaction with social media
The call-to-action can also serve to strengthen the presence and relationship with potencial customers on social media. For this reason, invitations are often launched within the website not only for the visitor to follow the brand, but also to share content (for example, a particular blog post) on social networks.

3 - Download
Downloading is another goal of CTA's widely used for generating leads. By providing useful content to visitors, you are creating a perception of authority on the subject in the mind of the potential customer. In addition, by asking for some data in exchange for, for example, an e-book, you will be building a very useful database to continue nurturing your leads throughout the funnel.

4 - Reading blog posts
The CTA can also serve to guide visitors along your blog, thus generating more traffic and also contributing to the creation of a network of internal links and improvement of on-page SEO.
To do so, you must strategically choose related topics among the different articles so that they continue to be of interest to the reader and suggest reading in a non-intrusive way.

Where to use CTA's?

The use of CTA's will always depend on your goals. However, these are commonly used in:
  • Social networks
  • Website (for example on the homepage, or in blog posts)
  • E-mail marketing
  • Online Advertising

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